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Whoopi Goldberg Seems Pretty Done with Meghan McCain's Bullsh*t

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | June 11, 2019 |

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | June 11, 2019 |


For a brief, fleeting moment last week, it really seemed like everyone on The View didn’t want to stab Meghan McCain just to see how much Hellman’s and white privilege would come pouring out. The entire panel (correctly) agreed that the Straight Pride Parade is bullsh*t on wheels, and to Whoopi Goldberg’s delight, Meghan actually brought up a valid point about the murder rates for trans POC even though she couldn’t have been more hypocritical considering her husband publishes the goddamn Federalist.

But that was Thursday. By Friday, Meghan was back to shrieking so loudly about “late-term abortion” that Whoopi finally had enough and shut her ass down by telling Meghan point blank that late-term abortion is not a thing, which is a fact that cannot be repeated enough. Meghan’s abortion meltdown also coincided with tabloid reports that Whoopi is tired of JOHN McCAIN’S DAUGHTER™ who allegedly lives up to her name on set.

Via Daily Mail:

The 34-year-old former Fox News commentator has reportedly developed a reputation for being nasty to certain producers, to the hair and makeup team and she regularly complains about the show’s executive producers to ABC bosses.

The source said: ‘Most of the producers and the award-winning glam team on our show have been here for years. I’m talking a decade-plus!

‘They have survived Rosie O’Donnell, Star Jones and even Barbara Walters. So for Meghan to be causing problems for them, it says a lot about her and really isn’t a reflection on them at all.’

They added: ‘Even on her worst days, Whoopi tries her best to be respectful to the staff. Even if something upsets her or she snaps for some reason, she’ll come back and apologize and explain herself later.

‘The team at The View love working with her. So it’s been extremely hard for her to see Meghan come in and really bring the moral [sic] down. All the reports of her being ”cold, icy and unpleasant” are really mild compared to the truth of her personality.’

Granted, these are tabloid reports that should be taken with massive amounts of salt. That said, it’s really not a stretch of imagination to picture Whoopi telling producers that the best days on the show are when Meghan is gone, because watch The Legacy of Senator John McCain® pull what is hands-down the most white lady of white lady moves that I’ve seen during my entire time obsessively cataloging her life because I hate myself. I cued it up for you, but for context, Meghan didn’t get a chance talk yet, so pay careful attention to her fingers. It’s like watching a cobra coil itself up to ask for the manager.

Just to include everyone who doesn’t want to blare “Faces of White” at everyone in their vicinity, after making extremely agitated faces and tapping her fingers, Meghan finally blurts out, “I don’t get to talk?” in the most b-word way possible. She literally looks at Whoopi and the producers like they’re murdering a goddamn kitten in front of her instead of making her patiently wait while her co-workers talk on… let’s see here… a talk show. Once again, Whoopi was not having her sh*t.

Via The Daily Beast:

As McCain attempted to bargain for more time while sarcastically laughing, Goldberg cut her off—as she’s done many times in the past—telling her colleague, “Well, here’s the deal…”

“Well, I just want to make clear—” McCain shot back.

“Now you put it out there like that,” Goldberg rebutted. “I let y’all talk and I said nothing. We have to go to break. If there’s more to say, if you want to say more, then we’ll come back and say more.”

“No, that’s fine,” the ex-Fox News talker huffed as the show ultimately cut to break.

Here’s the thing, literally right after this segment, Meghan got to talk a whole-ass bunch about how Joe Biden lost her vote by reversing his position on the Hyde Amendment. All she had to do was sit still for five minutes and everything would’ve been fine. Actual children can do that. Instead, Meghan reminded everyone that her famous last name is the only reason she’s not a Real Housewife, which is where she belongs. And I’m not just saying that because she has the calves to flip a table. I mean, it’s something Andy Cohen should constantly be thinking about, but my main point is Meghan McCain is a vapid, horrible person who brings absolutely nothing to the table when it comes to politics, but goddamn are her veins pumping with Dunning-Kruger and drama. Jesus.

P.S. If anyone else reads the Daily Mail article, please tell me if you fell out of your chair like I did when you got to the part where Abby Huntsman is apparently Meghan’s best friend. I’ve been watching View clips until my eyes bleed, and I would’ve never guessed that in a million years. I’m talking if Meghan is ever found dead, Abby would easily be #4 or #5 on my list of suspects depending on how I feel about Ana Navarro or Sunny Hostin that day. In fact, I just remembered the Game of Thrones debacle, so Sunny just went up a notch. I go where the clues take me.