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Tessa Thompson Takes To Twitter To Clarify Her (Pussy) Preferences

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | August 20, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | August 20, 2018 |


2018’s Pajiba 10 winner Tessa Thompson doesn’t have it easy. She values her privacy, despite her personal life being the focus of a LOT of speculation — in particular whether there’s any deeper connection between her collaborations with Janelle Monáe and her confirmed bisexuality. In fact, people were so excited when Thompson confirmed that she’s “attracted to men and also to women” in an interview where she also addressed her feelings for Monáe (“we vibrate on the same frequency”) that they conflated the two topics. And so Tessa took to Twitter to clarify:

And today, another misunderstanding caused Thompson to take to Twitter once more. In a new profile with The Cut, Thompson addressed the internet obsession that’s built up around her, her friendship with Monáe, and even her favorite music to have sex to when she was a teenager (Portishead — SAME, TESSA!). But it’s this fairly innocuous passage that has Thompson concerned:

Perhaps she is vibrating with “regular person” energy because she just spent the day doing regular-person things: getting her aura read in Chinatown — it’s very green and yellow right now because she’s too in her head and needs a nap — and visiting a cat café, even though she hates cats, with her mom, who loves them.

HOLD THE PHONE. Tessa Thompson hates kittehs? CUE GENERAL OUTRAGE!


Oh wait — hold up. Turns out she’s just misunderstood. She’s actually pretty open in her pet preferences:

So wait, if she swings both ways with cats and dogs, where does that leave goats in her esteem?

Phew. Twitter may be a biased, disordered cesspool, but at least it gives us a platform for Tessa Thompson’s very important interview corrections.