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David Zaslav Doesn't Care Who The Next President Is, As Long As He Gets Paid

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | July 11, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | July 11, 2024 |


Corporations will be responsible for the downfall of humanity. There are no “ifs,” “ands” or “buts” about it. Companies led by people who are more concerned with profits over people have continued to push this world to the brink to ensure their pockets get filled until they die and then leave the world’s problems for the next generation to clean up. This isn’t a new problem, but the “people” behind these corporations have become more brazen in the way they describe their goals.

Take show business’s worst-dressed man, David Zaslav. I do not hurl that insult lightly, by the way. He looks like an alien pretending to be human in the second act of a terrible movie. The CEO of Warner Brothers Discovery quickly became everyone’s least favorite entertainment CEO (not an easy feat). He’s shelved completed movies, snuggled up with J.K. Rowling as she descends into her most unhinged, and destroyed hallowed networks like AMC and the Cartoon Network.

The man is the worst, so of course he would have the slimiest take on the upcoming presidential election. You know, the one that’s been stressing you out every day for the last year and will continue to do so for four more months. The stakes are incredibly high here, as one candidate wants to remake the United States into a fascist theocracy. But, according to Zaslav, what matters is that he and the other corporations out there get their sweet, sweet money.

Zaslav was recently at “Allen & Co.’s annual summer meetup for billionaires and business moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho.” If you think that such an event sounds awful, you are correct! At the event, Zaslav was asked if he had a preference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. His response was as straightforward as it was terrible. “We just need an opportunity for deregulation, so companies can consolidate and do what we need to be even better,” the CEO told Bloomberg.

David Zaslav has refused to release finished films so that his company could earn tax breaks for Warner Brothers Discovery. This is a practice that members of Congress have vowed to investigate (though they haven’t yet). It makes sense that this pair of sunglasses in search of a man would want fewer business regulations. That would mean he could continue his s****y practices at whatever company he decides to strip for parts next. In short, he could have just said he prefers Trump.