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Daniel Radcliffe Doesn't Watch 'Heavy' TV Because of 'The Simpsons'

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 12, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 12, 2024 |


Daniel Radcliffe opened up about his taste in television in a recent interview, and it might surprise you.

“Honestly, I watch cartoons, and I watch reality TV,” he said. Another one for the reality TV team! “I’ve never seen Breaking Bad. I’ve never watched The Sopranos, or The Wire. All the sort-of, heavy hour-long stuff. Just, I can’t … I think it does probably, in part, stem from growing up on The Simpsons in the way that I think so many people of our generation’s kids.” I concur, Dan. I was raised on The Simpsons and Fear Factor, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since.

“I was watching Jeopardy! the other night, and one of the contestants credited a ton of his trivia knowledge to The Simpsons. That’s absolutely true of me as well. There are so many weird facts, and things from my general knowledge of the world to my sense of humor were formed in some way by The Simpsons,” he added. It’s true, I reference “Bob Dole” and “See my vest!” all the time, and honestly, I wish I could stop. They’re just stuck in there. So … I guess I didn’t absorb the trivia knowledge, but you get it.

Radcliffe has guest starred on The Simpsons three times, and also on Robot Chicken, BoJack Horsemen, Rick and Morty, Digman! and now Mulligan. The man loves his cartoons.

“It makes sense that our generation of people that have grown up on The Simpsons would want to continue watching more adult-themed cartoons when they got older.”