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Harry Potter to Tom Brady: 'Take That MAGA Hat Out of Your Locker'

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | January 28, 2019 |

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | January 28, 2019 |


Over the weekend, we met Ace Davis, the Child of Destiny whose incredible science fair project that proves Tom Brady is a cheater resulted in one of the greatest interviews of all time. Julian Edelman is still lying on a floor somewhere wondering what the hell just happened.

Which brings us to the latest person to fire shots at Brady… *checks notes*… Daniel Radcliffe. Wow, okay. Granted, this exchange lacks the bombast and panache of Science Fair Kid, it does compensate with awkward, nerdy Britishness and a surprising recollection of news items from 2015. Namely the time Tom Brady’a MAGA hat was photographed in his locker, which he confirmed was a gift from his good friend Donald Trump, who has done “amazing” things.

Magic him in the dick, Pottah!

Naturally, The Boston Globe knows a social media feeding frenzy when it sees one, so it tweeted its own coverage of Radcliffe’s remarks, and you can guess how that went over with a readership who would gladly feed their children to Brady if it added an extra yard to his throws.

(Full disclosure: I laughed at the Frodo one.)

However, amidst a sea of “Who?” and Revolutionary War tweets, some astute Globe readers actually had an excellent rebuttal to Radcliffe rooting for the Rams. Team owner Stan Kroenke donated $1 million to Trump’s campaign because the entire NFL is awful. Just rape, domestic violence, and right-wing politics all the way down.

No points for Gryffindor. (Yup, I’ll go lay in traffic now. Good talk.)