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Daniel Craig Continues His Bond Ambivalence Tour on Graham Norton

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | October 24, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | October 24, 2015 |

Daniel Craig has been getting a lot of press lately for his interviews showcasing his mixed feelings about the James Bond character. He’s been great, and I encourage him to keep sharing his feelings, but it is nice to see some of the other delightful people from the Bond cast on The Graham Norton Show. For instance, Naomie Harris, who has retained her Skyfall straight razor shaving skills and demonstrates them for Graham on a balloon. It’s not quite as sexually charged as her shaving a shirtless Craig, but seeing it happen live as Norton looks about ready to piss himself waiting for the balloon to pop is pretty impressive also.

And then we get a hint as to WHY Daniel Craig might have some mixed feelings about Bond as he lists off some serious injuries that he’s endured portraying the super spy.

For some reason those are the only two official YouTube clips this week because I guess the producers don’t like us Americans anymore and are fine forcing us to wait a week for the rest of the good bits.