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Country Singer Jelly Roll Says He 'Hates' Almost All Of His Tattoos

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | March 14, 2024 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | March 14, 2024 |


I’m gonna be real with you. I do not know who Jelly Roll is. But I keep hearing his name bandied about on the Internet. So, today is officially the day I rip off the Band-Aid and seek out answers re: this man’s identity. Will you come with me on my Jelly Roll journey? Let’s assume you all said yes…

OK, so, apparently, Jelly Roll is a country singer who got his start in hip hop. In 2022, he rose to prominence with the release of two hit songs: “Need a Favor” and “Son of a Sinner”. I’ve never heard either of them, but, to be fair, I’m not into country music. Like, at all. So if Jelly Roll’s Wikipedia claims they were hits, I’m inclined to believe it.

Other interesting facts about 39-year-old Jelly Roll: his birth name is Jason DeFord, he’s married to podcaster/former OnlyFans creator Bunnie XO, and he spent some time in jail for drug charges and aggravated robbery. In January, Jelly Roll testified before the U.S. Congress, urging them to pass legislation that would help put an end to the fentanyl crisis: “I’ve attended more funerals than I care to share with y’all… It is time for us to be proactive and not reactive.”

Now that we’re all Jelly Roll experts, it’s time to get down to the topic at hand: his kajillion tattoos. This week, GQ released a video where Jelly Roll shows off all his ink. Jelly Roll kicks off the video by declaring his thesis statement:

“I regret 98% of these tattoos, 97%. Almost all of them. Like, core philosophies I rooted my life in when I was 17, and now I’m 40, I’m like, ‘What the f*ck was I thinking?’

I don’t know, I mean, I hate ‘em all. I don’t know where to start. Maybe the baby smoking the blunt… was a little excessive? You know what I’m saying? Maybe that was a little bit much.”

Perhaps. Behold, blunt baby!
blunt bb.png

Jelly Roll says that he’s already covered up his worst tattoos. He points to a giant neck tat of the Nashville skyline, and explains he got it to cover up one that said “Surviving The Struggle.” Unfortunately, Jelly Roll and his tattoo artist forgot there was a T in the word ‘struggle’: “So it said, ‘Surviving the Sruggle.’ The Sruggle.” HA!

Jelly Roll says he doesn’t exactly remember his first face tattoo, but it was probably the little cross tattoo under his left eye. His most meaningful one is the giant cross on his right cheek. He explains that the cross is symbolic of a “new beginning”: “Understanding that I need to bear my own cross, carry my own cross. Like the good book says.”

The interviewer asks Jelly Roll if he got any tats when he was locked up, and he replies that he got “tons”: “There are some really good tattoo artists in jail, I just could never afford one.” He explains that the most talented artists could cost “two packs of cigarettes,” but he only had “a can of coffee.” Jelly Roll says his worst prison tattoo is a stick-and-poke of Jesus on his back. When his wife first saw it, she thought it was Elvis Presley.

Nowadays, the only tattoos Jelly Roll gets are cover-ups and “tour tattoos.” So, if a group of people he’s friends with or works with decide to get matching tats, he’s in! Finally, here’s the singer’s advice for people who are looking to get their first tattoo:

“Find incredible tattoo artists, pay the money, and take your time, and let them build something for you that’s beautiful.”

Wise words, indeed. Here’s the vid: