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UPDATED: Corey Feldman May Have Suffered A Phantom Stabbing

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 28, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 28, 2018 |


As you’ll see from the original story this morning (below), I made every effort to couch Corey Feldman’s alleged stabbing in terms of “Feldman said …” because, as many others of you have pointed out, there was something about the story that didn’t sit right (although, it appears that others also took me to task for couching it on those terms). I thought it was strange that he was furiously retweeting other news accounts, blaming a “wolfpack,” and posting a link to a GoFundMe campaign, and his previous tweets highlighted some left-field conspiracy theories, but look: Corey Feldman has had a rough go of it over the last 30 years, and he’s clearly had some mental illness issues, owed in all likelihood to abuse his suffered as a child actor. In those cases, you try to believe until there is a reason not to.

From the LA Times:

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, there are “no lacerations to Mr. Feldman’s abdomen,” spokesman Luis Garcia said.

Feldman then took himself to the hospital, where he was treated and released, according to police.

While Feldman said he was stabbed with a sharp object, police know of no injuries and have no suspect or weapon descriptions.

Make of that what you will.


On Twitter this morning, former child star Corey Feldman, 46, tweeted that he was stabbed last night by an unknown assailant who was accompanied by two other men.

Feldman, who has been working to expose child abusers in Hollywood, claims that he may have been attacked by an entity known as The Wolfpack.

Feldman believes that he may have been stabbed in retaliation for attempting to expose the pedophilia ring.

Feldman is best known for his early work in Goonies, Lost Boys and Stand By Me, as well as his work with the late Corey Haim.