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Chris Pratt Proves He's Smarter Than the Average Avenger

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | May 26, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | May 26, 2015 |

Chris Pratt is adorable, funny, and smarter than the average Avenger. (Don’t be offended, Avengers — we still love you.) Whether he took note of the recent Age of Ultron press tour, or he’s simply wary of the internet’s hypercritical nature, Pratt took to his Facebook page to preemptively apologize for any missteps he might make during his upcoming Jurassic World junket:

“I want to make a heartfelt apology for whatever it is I end up accidentally saying during the forthcoming ‪#‎JurassicWorld‬ press tour. I hope you understand it was never my intention to offend anyone and I am truly sorry. I swear. I’m the nicest guy in the world. And I fully regret what I (accidentally will have) said in (the upcoming foreign and domestic) interview(s).
I am not in the business of making excuses. I am just dumb. Plain and simple. I try. I REALLY try! When I do (potentially) commit the offensive act for which I am now (pre) apologizing you must understand I (will likely have been) tired and exhausted when I (potentially) said that thing I (will have had) said that (will have had) crossed the line. Those rooms can get stuffy and the hardworking crews putting these junkets together need some entertainment! (Likely) that is who I was trying to crack up when I (will have had) made that tasteless and unprofessional comment. Trust me. I know you can’t say that anymore. In fact in my opinion it was never right to say the thing I definitely don’t want to but probably will have said. To those I (will have) offended please understand how truly sorry I already am. I am fully aware that the subject matter of my imminent forthcoming mistake, a blunder (possibly to be) dubbed “JurassicGate” is (most likely) in no way a laughing matter. To those I (will likely have had) offended rest assured I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesn’t happen (again).”

Clevah boy.


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)