By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | February 9, 2016 |
By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | February 9, 2016 |
The fierce and flawless Beyonce won the internet Saturday with the release of her latest music video, and then she dominated the Super Bowl halftime show, as beautifully illustrated in this Hamilton-inspired vine:
Whether or not we get “Formation,” we all want to be like Bey. So she sings, “When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, ‘cause I slay.” We go to Red Lobster in droves.
CNN reports the seafood restaurant chain saw a 33 percent rise in attendance on Sunday, a spike they’re crediting to Queen B. Also thanks to her, “Red Lobster” trended on Twitter for the first time ever, scoring 42,000 mentions in an hour.
Some highlights include:
Everybody pullin up to Red Lobster parking lot tonight like:
— Lady Beezus (@CuteButNotFunny) February 6, 2016
When you thought you just gave her that work and she keeps driving past the Red Lobster.
— Paulish Gambino (@PaulTheEsquire) February 7, 2016
God bless every woman who uses "You tryna get the Red Lobster?" as a line tonight.
— Toms Ríos (@TheTomasRios) February 6, 2016
how many ppl do you think are gonna go to red lobster for valentine's day this year
— Spencer Niemetz (@SPENCERcNIEMETZ) February 9, 2016
"Marco Rubio got f#@ked so hard he had to take Chris Christie to Red Lobster." - Trevor Noah.
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) February 9, 2016
"Why you never treat me to Red Lobster?"
— adrian (@naruglo) February 6, 2016
Listen, we all have our Red Lobster. Sometimes it actually is Red Lobster, sometimes it's Chili's. If you're really lucky it's Maggiano's.
— Aly Semigran (@AlySemigran) February 7, 2016
Before and after he earned that red lobster
— Larry Johnson (@cause4conceit) February 6, 2016
When you realize your dad took your mom to red lobster every week
— John Legend (@johnlegend) February 6, 2016
Red Lobster tried to get in on the trend, but mostly got flack for failing to slay.
"Cheddar Bey Biscuits" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? #Formation @Beyonce
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) February 7, 2016
Our bad. We're really busy for some reason. #ThanksB #👑ðŸ
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) February 7, 2016
You definitely slay, @Beyonce. Thanks for one heck of a weekend.
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) February 9, 2016