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Check It Out: Kevin Smith Lost 85 Pounds

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 1, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 1, 2015 |

Much maligned, often beloved director Kevin Smith — who probably has a better shot at landing Ben Affleck for his Mallrats sequel not that Affleck and Jennifer Garner have split — has lost a whopping 85 pounds, after being inspired by 2014’s Fed Up, a documentary that ties the obesity epidemic to the country’s sugar addiction.

Here’s a before and after:


It’s not Kevin Smith’s first time to lose a bunch of weight. He lost 65 pounds in 2010, after being booted from a Southwest Airlines flight for being too big for one seat. I also recall seeing him in the early aughts in Los Angeles, as he explained his disastrous experiments with the weight loss drug Orlistat, which prohibits the body from absorbing fat. I will always remember that night as the night Kevin Smith told us, in detail, about his problematic bowel movements.

Congrats to Kevin, and let’s hope he keeps it off permanently. He can be a pain-in-the-ass sometimes, but it’s a much better world with him than without.