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Charlize Theron Explains 'Mad Max: Fury Road's' Feminist Credentials

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | May 16, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | May 16, 2015 |

Mad Max: Fury Road has taken the internet by storm. There is almost universal praise for the film, which is apparently a rip-roaring action movie with two incredibly strong leads anchoring the chaos. I say “apparently” only because I, personally, have not seen it yet so I have to trust virtually every other person I know or am acquainted with through the internet and that’s what all of them say. There’s a kind of consensus on this movie that is rare in this day and age.

Well, except for those few but incredibly loud and whiny people angry that a big part of the movie is a story about women. So, has George Miller become a dreaded “social justice warrior”? Charlize Theron has the perfect explanation for that particular bit of criticism.

George Miller apparently just believes in the radical notion that women are people too. Imagine that.