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Charlie Sheen is an Awful Human Being, Part 6,539

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 7, 2013 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 7, 2013 |

So, I would like to preface this by saying this is a sad story. Everything about this is terrible. There is nothing schadenfreudey or “That’s our Bieber!” *hair ruffle*-y fun. Everything is ugh. Just ugh.

Charlie Sheen is Charlie Sheen. His ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, is a very public drug addict - crack and meth, specifically — with more than 20 rehab stints in her past, two of them while pregnant, as well as a 5150 hold placed on her after a meth overdose just six months ago. Together, they have twin boys, who are 4 years old. These boys have been living with Denise Richards, another of Sheen’s ex-wives. Richards has alerted DCFS that she is no longer able to care for the twins because they are violent, threatening to kill her dogs and hitting and choking her daughters. Speculation is rampant that Richards’s letter is more of a desperate attempt to get help for the boys rather than trying to get them out of her house, but Mueller has refused to comply and, now, word is that she may have full custody back by Christmas.

In the Sheen of it all, Mueller has been awarded a temporary restraining order and gag order against him. Probably because he’s a violent and insane person, riddled with evil and filled with a soul that strongly resembles the after pictures on lung cancer brochures.

Here is a selection of his recent Twitter ramblings.




Nothing about this is good. Nothing ends well for anyone involved. Those poor boys. Poor Denise Richards. Poor almost everyone. Ugh. Just ugh.