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Celebrate David Bowie's Birthday By Listening To His Top Ten Billboard Hits

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | January 8, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | January 8, 2019 |


David Robert Jones was born on January 8, 1947, in Brixton. After finding his calling as a singer, he changed his last name to Bowie and glittered onto the music scene with his eponymous 1967 debut album. The world got to experience his true weirdness and musical majesty over the course of almost 50 years.

Sadly, the amazingly strange and talented artists known and beloved by the world as David Bowie left this mortal coil on January 10, 2016. Twitter was full of tributes today for what would have been Bowie’s 72nd birthday, including this simple reminder from his son Duncan Jones.

Billboard shared Bowie’s top ten hits on Twitter, providing a playlist for the popular side of the singer’s career. I’ve collected all of the YouTube videos here for you because I’m nice like that.


Header Image Source: Buena Vista Pictures