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Buy Meghan Markle’s ‘Deal or No Deal’ Briefcase For the Royals-Obsessed Person In Your Life

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 12, 2019 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 12, 2019 |


Hey—are you super rich, in desperate need to buy a gift for the Royals-obsessed person in your life who seemingly has everything (well, almost everything) and for some inexplicable reason are willing to take advice from someone who has “Sweet Valley High Evil Twin” set up as an eBay alert? Well, friend, today is your lucky day.

You won’t have to go to Home Goods and buy the same “Live. Laugh. Love” metal sign that you get them every year by telling them it’s what Kate Middleton exclusively decorates her home with, and feign ignorance that you got them the same thing last Christmas. No, no, this Christmas, you can give an even better gift—the metal briefcase Meghan Markle handled on Deal or No Deal, and make this Christmas extra special.

Yes, per

The #24 briefcase that Markle, 38, held on the series from 2006 to 2007 is officially up for auction via in Profiles in History’s Hollywood: A Collector’s Ransom auction. The prop is listed at #783 on the auction list, and is expected to be sold for between $4,000 and $6,000.

The listing says that the 16 x 12 x 2 in. briefcase is in “fine condition” and was constructed from lightweight, deep drawn aluminum, with chrome handle, hinges and a latch look closure.

You may be thinking to yourself—“self, for $4 - 6k, I could probably fly me and my Royals-obsessed person to London and have a nice time, and perhaps even spot a Royal or two on the trip.” To that I say—why make memories that will last a lifetime when you can buy material things, baby!? Logic has no place in a conversation about presents around the Holiday time. Consume, consume, consume!

This is but one option you can get them. If, for some reason, you miss out on the briefcase, may I suggest you join me in a “Sweet Valley High Evil Twin” eBay alert? I say this not because I want the competition around that keyword (I do not), but because everyone, even Royals-obsessed people, can appreciate YA books written about a set of evil twins whose only desire in life is to murder doppelgänger twin sisters. And as an added bonus, I believe at least one of the books takes place during the holidays. Score!

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