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Bruce Springsteen Gets Sick, Cancels Two Concerts

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | August 17, 2023 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | August 17, 2023 |


Yesterday, Bruce Springsteen was forced to cancel two concerts in Philadelphia due to illness. Aw geez, not The Boss. Anyone but The Boss!

The bad news was shared on 73-year-old Bruce’s Twitter account, just a few hours before the first concert was set to take place:

The Twitter thread is filled with bummed fans, many of whom had traveled great distances just to see Bruce. But, mostly, people are just rooting for him to get better. And speculating about what exactly “taken ill” means. A cold? COVID? Or something more serious?

Bruce’s next concerts are scheduled for August 24th and 26th in Foxborough, Massachusetts. So far, no word on if those dates will be canceled as well. Bruce is smack dab in the middle of the Springsteen and E Street Band 2023 Tour, which kicked off in February. From April to July, Bruce and the band played 31 shows in Europe. The rest of the tour is in North America, and it’s scheduled to end on December 12 in San Francisco. This is the first time since 2017 that Bruce and the E Street Band have gone on the road together. The tour was initially scheduled for 2020, but, obviously, that didn’t happen.

Feel better, The Boss! And, for the love of God, if anyone spots Brucey wasting away on the streets of Philadelphia, please call a doctor.