By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | November 18, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | November 18, 2015 |
Idris Elba, healthy man, is on the cover on Men’s Health magazine this month. Inside the magazine are pictures of Elba being very attractive. Accompanying those pictures are words of varying degrees of silliness. He talks a LOT about burpees and core strength and things that I suppose aren’t all that strange for a men’s health magazine, but still seem to take up a lot of space on the page. Space that could be dedicated to abs and face and other, you know, very important things. For your convenience, I’ve combined the very attractiveness into the same space as his feelings on things you probably really don’t care about, in order from “fine” to “WTF is he talking about and why are there words blocking the pretty?”
On his miserable sounding fitness regime.
On why he does those horrible burpees.
Also, other reasons.
Is he a man’s man? Who knows, but he’ll rap and breakdance and stuff whenever he fucking feels like it, so MAYBE.