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Bill Nye, Key & Peele Fight Racism With Science And Satire

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 8, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 8, 2015 |

Like you, we’ve been pouring over the news out of Ferguson, New York, and Baltimore. And it can be overwhelming, and easy to feel out of your depth. So, we’re turning to some experts on social politics and science.

First up, Bill Nye the Science Guy visited The Nightly Show to discuss racism. After clarifying that yes, pepper spray works just as well on white people as it does black people, he detailed how racism evolved out of tribalism, and suggested we should have evolved past racism altogether by now. (Jump to the 4:47 mark)

“[Racism] started because you’ve got these tribes, and you’ve got different skin color as a result of ultraviolet light,” said Bill Nye the Science Guy, adding, “We’re all the same from a scientific standpoint. There’s no such thing as race — but there is such a thing as tribalism.”

Now leave it to Key & Peele to spin police brutality into some silly yet scathing satire. Warning: NSFW

Kristy Puchko would like Bill Nye, Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele to join forces. In any capacity.