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Beyonce's Sister Solange Attacks Jay-Z in an Elevator is our Generation's Zapruder Film

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 12, 2014 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 12, 2014 |

“Sip THIS from your cup till it runneth over, bitch!”

According to TMZ, this happened at a Met Gala after party. I bet Goopsters wishes she’d been there now (“I’ll save you, my only black friends! I took a Krav Maga class with Stella McCartney once!”)

In the video … Jay Z, Beyonce and Solange step into the elevator … and then Solange goes crazy, screaming at Jay before unleashing a violent attack.

A large man — who appears to be a bodyguard — attempts to hold Solange back, but she manages to connect at least 3 times. At one point Solange throws a kick and Jay grabs her foot, but never attempts to strike her. Beyonce stands by without getting physically involved.

A) I desperately want to know what instigated this because Solange is a fancy hipster fairy creature.


B) Her Beyness standing there very “let them just work this out” is everything.

C) I need more and I need audio. Immediately.

Of course the internet is internetting and coming up with the backstory for this, largely that Jay-Z must have been disrespectful toward Beyonce and Solange was acting as protector. Who knows (though I’m pretty sure Queen B can take care of herself). The only answer is a trial by jury of Blue Ivy and her famous babyfriends. Suri Cruise for jury foreperson.