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Benedict Cumberbatch Is Adorably Terrible At Fallon's Newest Game

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | November 18, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | November 18, 2014 |

Y’all know how fond of games Jimmy Fallon is, and his celebrity guests all seem willing to make utter fools of themselves in the name of fun. Newly engaged Benedict Cumberbatch was the host’s latest victim, proving three-word story clues can be easier to receive than give. The premise seems simple enough the first go-round, but when it’s Ben’s turn, things go (amusingly) south fast.


Less adorable: This photo of Cumberbatch with fiancée, Sophie Hunter; their first red-carpet appearance together.


That dress is no way to start anything.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)