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Ben Affleck Now Says His Terrible Tattoo is A Terrible Fake Tattoo

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | March 19, 2016 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | March 19, 2016 |

Hey, you remember how Ben Affleck got a massive back tattoo as his marriage was falling apart? Of course you do, we covered it and you read everything we cover, right? In case you’ve forgotten, here it is:


It was a pretty bad tattoo, all things considered. Besides the sub-par artwork, it was just such a ridiculous cliche for a middle-aged man caught cheating to get a damn phoenix tattooed on his back. Yes, Ben, you are rising from the ashes of your own terrible decisions to become a beautiful creature free to skulk around poker tables and seduce nannies as often as you please. Well, now Affleck claims that particular tattoo is fake, but he TOTALLY has a bunch of other ones. The relevant bit is around the 1:35 mark:

Real? Fake? Who knows. Maybe he’s lying because the public reaction was not a gasp, but a giggle and he’s secretly trying to get it removed or covered up. Or maybe it is fake for a role and Ben Affleck has at least an iota of self-awareness. The world may never know the truth.