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Ben Affleck Goes on Graham Norton Image Rehabilitation Tour, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams Support Him

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | March 26, 2016 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | March 26, 2016 |

You guys, The Graham Norton Show is back! Or at least they’re back to posting clips online! I don’t live in the UK, I’m not sure of the exact relationship between those two things. Anyway, the show is back and they had the main cast of Batman vs. Superman: We Really Should Have Thought This Through More on. But the clips they posted online seem to indicate that they had Ben Affleck, Charming Family Man on the show with his friends Henry Cavill and Amy Adams along for the free drinks and moral support. I’m not saying Affleck has a new publicity team, but I am strongly implying it. For example, here’s him demonstrating humility while comparing winning the Oscar for Good Will Hunting to winning it for Argo:

Here he is talking about the great lengths he goes through to convince his son that he is, literally, Batman:

What a great dad! The only clip that includes any input from Amy or Henry is this one, where they all take a turn with the voice modulator that they used for the “Batman voice” in this movie. Which, by the way, we can blame Snyder for. It’s a cute bit, and Henry Cavill is apparently on board with the “just kiss already” school of thought regarding Batman and Superman.

I almost feel bad for this attractive, charming cast that they were paid lots of money to be in such a terrible movie. Almost.