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Because Someone Had To: Cate Blanchett Explains Women Still Like Movies After Menopause

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 25, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 25, 2015 |

Despite what Russell Crowe thinks, women in Hollywood struggle against an expiration date after they exit the ingenue stage. It’s an issue that’s been recognized by Tina Fey, Jessica Chastain, Kristin Scott Thomas, and people with functional eyes. Somehow leading men can age and age and still be paired with starlets. Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. (And here’s some helpful graphs!) So their female peers magically vanish from view.


But could the success of films like The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Blue Jasmine, and the continued adoration of Meryl Streep be signs of a change?

Cate Blanchett thinks so. She told Vogue (via E! Online),

“Female audiences are driving the change, I think. Women don’t stop consuming cultural product once they stop menstruating.”

Similarly, women like Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, Helen Mirren and Betty White don’t suddenly become boring or untalented or less charming when menopause hits.

In other brilliant Blanchett statements, she also addressed wage inequality in Hollywood, saying “People were surprised? There are countless industries around the world where women in top positions are not equally remunerated for equal work.”

Basically, Cate’s saying, ‘There’s institutional sexism in Hollywood, you say? Duh.’


Kristy Puchko wants thinks we should replace Barbies with Blanchetts.