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Aubrey O'Day Got Kicked Out of Her Weird Donald Trump Jr. Birthday Party Thing

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | January 3, 2019 |

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | January 3, 2019 |


Donald Trump Jr. doesn’t have a chin, and yet somehow he managed to have an affair with Aubrey O’Day, so never stop believing in miracles. Anyway, before the holidays, I wrote about O’Day hosting a New Year’s Eve birthday party for Junior at the Hustler Club in Vegas. Surprisingly, the president’s son with a neck that just kind of slopes right into his mouth really was born on Dec. 31 and not sometime in April like I thought it would be when I Googled the authenticity of this horseshit.

There was, however, another problem: Junior never showed, despite his whole family having been invited to a party hosted by his mistress — We used to have manners in this country. — and also that mistress got her ass thrown out of the club, which has restored my optimism for 2019. I think we’re gonna make it.

TMZ reports:

Folks at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas tell TMZ … Aubrey threw a fit Monday night when a bday cake was carted out for the Prez’s son after she finished her 3-song set.

We’re told she was pissed because she was asked to sing “Happy Birthday” to her former fling — which was allegedly not part of her contract — then one of her assistants got physical with a cocktail server.

I dropped the video below even though it adds absolutely nothing to this story. More importantly, I want to talk about one of the most spot-on internet comments I’ve ever seen in my life, and it’s basementinthealamo saying Aubrey O’Day’s Instagram “looks like Kim Kardashian in Christina Aguilera drag.”

Seriously, look at these pics then tell me where the lie is.

That is Kim Kardashian in Christina Aguilera drag, and if you don’t see it, legally you shouldn’t be allowed to drive.

In the meantime, here’s the TMZ video of Aubrey getting kicked out of her own publicity stunt even though, again, it doesn’t really show much unless you want to see a stripper warble her butt cheeks next to one-fifth of Danity Kane. (Read: Maybe don’t watch at work. Or at all.)