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Astroworld Suit Alleges Deaths Resulted from Travis Scott's Ego and Self Interests

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 16, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 16, 2024 |


In a recent court filing, co-defendants SMG, ASM Global Parent, Inc., and ASM Global, LLC — the Astroworld venue management entities — alleged that Travis Scott’s egotistical behavior and disregard for fan safety directly contributed to the deadly crowd surge that claimed ten lives at the November 2021 music festival.

The response to Travis Scott’s motion for summary judgment details several examples of the rapper’s reckless conduct. The filing claims, for instance, that Scott insisted on being the sole performer on the main stage, even when festival organizers expressed concerns about crowd control. According to the filing, he also reportedly rejected a proposal for a third stage that would have helped manage the crowd, dismissively responding, “F*ck the city.”

The venue management companies further allege that Scott’s manager, David Stromberg, threatened to encourage Scott’s fans to dox and harass anyone who suggested postponing the show for safety reasons. Additionally, Scott himself tweeted an invitation for “wild ones” to “sneak” into the already sold-out festival, potentially exacerbating crowd control issues.

The filing includes a detailed timeline of the 22 critical minutes between when the show should have ended and when Scott eventually concluded his performance. The fact that Scott’s team brought out Drake, and the pair continued performing for an extended period after the 10:00 pm deadline is a key point of contention in the lawsuit, suggesting that those backstage working for LiveNation and Scott, and potentially Scott himself, prioritized his performance over the immediate safety concerns of his audience. The filing argues that this delay may have cost lives and that Scott’s failure to act quickly was a contributing factor.

Ultimately, the court filing suggests that Travis Scott prioritized his ego and self-interests over the safety and well-being of his fans.