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Armie Hammer Needs to Calm Down About Stan Lee

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | November 13, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | November 13, 2018 |


Stan Lee died yesterday and a lot of people are sad about it. That’s understandable, he’s behind some of the most beloved characters in our cultural zeitgeist; and made some pretty memorable cameos in the MCU films. 95 is a pretty good age to get to, but whenever someone behind art you admire passes, it hurts. So you grieve.

Grieving is a very personal process, and it doesn’t matter if you knew someone or not—pain is pain, and I think it’s entirely appropriate to process your emotions as you need to. There’s nothing about grieving that’s for the person who passes—it’s for who is left behind after they go. Lee is behind some of the most successful movies in the past two decades—and a lot of people owe their careers to him. For example, no one really knew who Hugh Jackman was stateside before he was Wolverine in 2000’s X-men. It’s understandable that a lot of celebrities would want to pay tribute to the man whose creations they embodied—and for some that came in the form of posting pictures of them together, yesterday, on social media.

This is entirely normal—when my grandmother passed away earlier this year, I too posted one of my favorite pictures of us together on social media to commemorate her. I don’t know why, but it was a way to show the world that I cared about a woman who was important to me.

This is all a lead up to this: Armie Hammer needs to sit down and shut up about Stan Lee.

He initially posted (and then later deleted when he got a lot of flack for it—but HuffPost knows, and saves, all) this delightful tweet yesterday:

So touched by all of the celebrities posting pictures of themselves with Stan Lee… no better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself.

Perhaps proving that Armie Hammer doesn’t really know how to use Twitter, he didn’t delete his equally obnoxious replies on the subject matter.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan may have gotten through to him with his reply via Twitter, because both the original tweet and the following are now deleted:

Looks like you found a way to use others ways of mourning and their memories to draw some attention to yourself. You sound like a real asshat.

So what did we learn here today? Unless something is really egregious or unhealthy, keep your thoughts to yourself when criticizing someone’s mourning—especially if they had a relationship with the person, because they were a part of putting Lee’s vision on the screen… and you were in the Lone Ranger.

Don’t start none, won’t be none is clearly a lesson Hammer didn’t know until today. Let’s hope he knows it now.

Header Image Source: Getty