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Another Year, Another Apology From J.K. Rowling

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | May 2, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | May 2, 2016 |

One of my favorite things about J.K. Rowling is her commitment to keeping her characters alive, even long after her works have ended. And when I say “alive,” I of course mean that strictly in the in-our-memories sense because she also has a horrible habit of murdering ALL OF THEM.

On this very important day, the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, Rowling has continued her tradition of apologizing for the death of a character. She knows she has a reputation for sucker-punching us in the feels, repeatedly and often, and this is a nice small way of offering her thanks and her sorries. Last year she apologized for killing off Fred Weasley.

This year’s apology is for Remus Lupin, husband, father, friend, werewolf.


ARTHUR OR LUPIN? WHAT KIND OF MESSED UP SOPHIE’S CHOICE BULLCRAP IS THAT? Well, at least she’s getting around to apologizing for ruining my hardcovers with tears. RIP Moony.

H/T Vulture.