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Anna Marie Tendler Has Life Hacks on TikTok Now

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 19, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 19, 2021 |


While her ex, John Mulaney, has been selling out shows and conceiving babies (or, a baby) with Olivia Munn, Anna Marie Tendler has been quietly winning in the court of public opinion, where the “court of public opinion” is social media, and where “winning” is earning the sympathy of thousands of people who think they understand her and Mulaney’s relationship better than they do.

Although many on social media have taken to dissecting Tendler’s Instagram photos for meaning, ground zero for Team Tendler is apparently TikTok, where a lot of users have expressed their affection for Tendler (and their antipathy toward Mulaney and Munn). So, while Mulaney is out making jokes about blowing up his life in front of crowds of hundreds, Anna Marie Tendler joined TikTok and proceeded to collect 125,000 followers (and growing) within the first day and a half.

What does Tendler bring to the video-sharing site? Life hacks! For instance, for her first TikTok, Tendler demonstrates how to put on a Duvet cover. Listen: I think most of us understand how to put on a duvet cover, but the execution is always tricky. In under 2 minutes, she does what normally takes me at least 10-15 minutes of sweaty frustration that I invariably have to repeat because I f**ked it up the first time and ended up with the comforter somehow twisted inside the duvet cover. Either that, or I somehow find myself trapped inside the duvet cover (young impoverished me would laugh at my frustration and then ask what the hell is a duvet cover?).

After her first TikTok went insanely viral, Tendler returned with another one, this time on how to properly add cold butter to warm toast. Now, this is a hack I can get behind. I know people who leave out the butter in a dish permanently at room temperature, which makes it perfect for spreading, but this somehow feels like a recipe for a bacterial infection. My hack is to toast the bread, apply the butter, and then put it back in the toaster oven for about 20 seconds. I like Tendler’s idea better, although I’m handicapped by my inability to properly use a cheese slicer.

Now, if only someone could explain to me what a “bone or a no-bone day” is?

Source: TikTok