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And Just Like That, Dax Shepard Is Ruined

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 5, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 5, 2018 |


Because I love Alex Blumberg’s StartUp — and Blumberg generally — I watched the second episode of Zach Braff’s Alex, Inc. last night to see if it had improved over the pilot. It had not. It was worse. Maybe much worse. There are about 30 seconds at the end of each episode where Braff is genuine and sincere that are almost tolerable, but everything else? Terrible. I think the biggest problem here is that Braff is playing his JD character from Scrubs, and 1) it doesn’t suit the podcast character, and 2) JD was surrounded by an entire cast of straight men (comedically speaking, not sexually, but also that).

Also, I’ve always adored Donald Faison, but I never appreciated him more than after watching Braff try to go it alone on a sitcom. He desperately needs Faison, who somehow transforms that Braff brand of daffy into magic (I say this as someone who thinks that Scrubs is a top three sitcom of all time). Also, I’ve never appreciated Dr. Cox’s attitude toward Braff more.


Anyway, this post isn’t really about Alex, Inc; Alex, Inc. is just an excuse to post this:

Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 10.07.16 AM.jpg

There is nothing OK about that.

In other news: Why isn’t that episode of Zach Braff on Punk’d available anywhere? Future generations will never understand what an incredible douchebag Braff is in real-life.