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Amy Schumer Lives Our Dream, Becomes Jennifer Lawrence BFF

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | July 31, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | July 31, 2015 |

Amy Schumer is slaying right now with a hit movie (Trainwreck), a critically heralded, Peabody Award-winning show (Inside Amy Schumer), and one of the coolest gal pals the world will ever know. (Not Judi Dench, the other one.)

With these pics of her and Jennifer Lawrence building a human pyramid, jetskiing and just chilling, Schumer has just won summer. Cancel you vacation. There’s no point now.

Human pyramid

A photo posted by @amyschumer on

Jlaw #maniac

A photo posted by @amyschumer on

Binders of women

A photo posted by @amyschumer on

Proving how magical life can be, it was less than a month ago that the feminist comedienne was publicly celebrating that the Hunger Games’ star even knew who she was.


Kristy Puchko lives in perpetual fear that ice cream will become self-aware New York City.