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Allison Williams Bidding Farewell to Marnie Michaels Is Adorable

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 29, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 29, 2016 |

Girls will soon be entering its sixth and final season. The final season is almost finished shooting, and the show has wrapped on Allison Williams and her character, Marnie Michaels.

Marnie has had a really interesting arc on the show. Starting as the most put together, becoming the least put together and finding some kind of balance between the two while still being fairly self-unaware, Marnie is the character I connected with most. Infuriating and embarrassing, she was nothing if not her ridiculous self. And no one is sadder to see her go than Allison Williams.

Marnie has officially gone wherever all characters go when we stop watching them. And I couldn't feel luckier that I got to play her. This lady, @lenadunham, gave me everything. She gave me the most incredible challenges and adventures and the opportunity to know and love our GIRLS family. She also gave me her fierce friendship, wit, love, and loyalty, all while making me giggle on a constant basis. Sitting next to Lena while being directed by @jennikonner, it all felt completely right. Then I immediately burst into some pretty rare tears, because it hit me that I don't know what my adult life looks like without Girls. To everyone - our cast, our crew, HBO, my family - thank you. And to @juddapatow, thanks for watching a YouTube video of a 22 year-old fresh out of college and inviting her to audition for Marnie Marie Michaels. I've been grateful every single day since. #EndOfGirls #ThatsAWrapOnMarnie

A photo posted by Allison Williams (@aw) on

See you on the other side, Marnie.