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All the Reasons Why Dan Harmon Wins For Best Wedding of All Time

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | November 17, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | November 17, 2014 |

This weekend Community creator and mayor of Harmontown Dan Harmon married the gorgeous, talented, and hilarious Erin McGathy. (Have you heard her podcast? Go listen to her podcast.) If you’re familiar with Dan, you’d probably guess that his wedding would be less a formal ceremony and more a booze-filled celebration of weirdness. Now, full disclosure and only mild bragging: Erin and I were college roommates, so I was lucky enough to attend. So here’s an inside view of the completely over-the-top spectacle, mostly pulled from other people’s Instagram accounts because I’m bad at internetting.

Do I feel weird exploiting my friends’ union for writing material? A little. But when your wedding comes with an official hashtag (#mcharmonwedding), everything’s fair game, no?

The Location
Dan and Erin got married at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. That means there were dinosaurs EVERYWHERE.

And they really indulged in that theme by setting up their own exhibits.

The Guest List

Me and two of my LOVES! @gillianjacobs and @RashIsTVUgly #McHarmonWedding

A photo posted by Yvette Nicole Brown (@yvettenicolebrown) on

The Ceremony
With a backdrop of elephants, and officiated by comedian Duncan Trussell—

—complete with adorable cans of champagne,

The ceremony was gorgeous and fun and weird and required audience participation.

The Unity Quilt
Oh, you know, just that typical part of any wedding where the bride and groom get bound together while Jack Black sings about unity.

Dan’s Rap
Of course Dan rapped.

The Dinosaurs
Because what kind of wedding doesn’t have dinosaurs roaming the halls?

A photo posted by okkimber (@okkimber) on

A video posted by Vivian Kane (@viv_kane) on

And also dancing with guests?

A video posted by Vivian Kane (@viv_kane) on

The Bridal Serenade
Nothing, NOTHING, including dancing dinosaurs and singing Jack Black, could top this tribute, complete with dancing bridesmaids and giant disturbing Dan faces.