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Alexander Skarsgard Getty 3.jpg

Alexander Skarsgård Lets His Freak Flag Fly at Sundance

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | January 23, 2023 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | January 23, 2023 |

Alexander Skarsgard Getty 3.jpg

The Sundance Film Festival is currently in full swing and one of its most talked-about debuts is Infinity Pool, the latest sci-fi horror frenzy from Brandon Cronenberg. The film centers on a couple whose luxury holiday goes horribly wrong when they become embroiled in a violent culture of hedonism and vengeance. Early reviews are strong, although it seems likely it will prove divisive among general audiences when it opens nationwide this Friday. One thing that unites us all, however, is a healthy appreciation for the movie’s lead, Alexander SkarsgÃ¥rd. He knows how to get audiences going, if you catch my drift.

Much has been made about SkarsgÃ¥rd’s frequent nakedness in film and TV and Infinity Pool seems to be no exception. Reviews have noted this with glee, and this promotional image did a lot of heavy lifting in getting us interested in the film.

Look, I’m a simple woman with simple pleasures.

And clearly ASkars is aware of his appeal. While promoting the film, he’s been letting his freak flag fly. We approve. Well done, Sweden.

‘Giant human Labrador energy with a side of kink’ is surely a romance novel waiting to happen. Don’t let me down, genre!

All that AND he brought his BFF Jack McBrayer to the festival!

We love a self-aware hunk, and SkarsgÃ¥rd does it better than 99% of the tall, white, hot dudes who have somehow become more fandom-beloved than he. Let’s hope he wears the collar for the entirety of the Infinity Pool promotional cycle. Shirt optional.