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Ugh, We're About to Have to Put Up With Alec Baldwin Again

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 28, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 28, 2016 |

Alec Baldwin is no stranger to questionable and idiotic life choices. It’s been a while since we had to hear much about them, after his insanely lengthy dissertation explaining the reasons for his departure from public life, back in early 2014. Obviously, no one thought he was actually retiring from anything (and it’s not like he ever fully went away anyway), but it’s been nice to have had a relative break from, or at least slowing of his racism, his homophobia, his paparazzi punching, and his general yet persistent whiny awfulness.

It looks like our Baldwin respite is coming to an end, though, because in addition to the nine projects he has in various stages of development, it was announced today Thursday that he’ll also be acting as host on a revival of the game show Match Game.

Now, I absolutely love Match Game. I didn’t have cable as a kid, so I’m not even sure how I watched it, but there was a period of at least a year where I used to stay home sick (“sick”) as often as possible, and marathon episodes of the fill-in-the-black game show. I don’t know if it was Charles Nelson Reilly’s gigantic eyeglasses, Richard Dawson’s turtlenecks, or just a general fascination with the seemingly incomprehensible ’70s lackadaisical coolness, but I was borderline obsessed.

What I don’t love is knowing that now we’re going to have a public, loud, consistently angry and entitled Alec Baldwin back in our lives. You also have to wonder, for a man who made such a huge deal out of his departure, how does he justify playing host to a gameshow whose branded legacy is one of pure silliness? The show is only airing for the summer (along with revivals of $100,000 Pyramid and Celebrity Family Feud), so hopefully we won’t have to have too long of a promotional season, seeing his face and hearing his wordthoughts in too many interviews. And he’s doing it for charity (his own charity, which supports the arts), which is genuinely cool. I suppose that even if I didn’t expect this “retirement” to last forever, Game Show Host is never the gig I saw this particular Baldwin taking on. At least not in a revival of a ’70s game show. Those hosts had such an air of ease and patience (maybe that was just drunkenness) mixed in with their humor. Those have never seemed to be Alec’s strong suits.

Via The Wrap.