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Adele Postpones Vegas Residency After Illness Takes A Toll On Her Voice

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | February 28, 2024 |

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Header Image Source: Getty

Yesterday, Adele took to Instagram to announce that she’s postponing all her Las Vegas residency shows in March due to illness. FYI, March is this weekend (how?).

In her post, Adele writes that she was sick during the last leg of the residency and over the winter holidays. When her shows resumed on January 19, she “hadn’t quite gotten the chance to get back to full health” and got sick again: “unfortunately it’s all taken a toll on my voice.” The 35-year-old Rocky fan says she’s going on vocal rest “on Doctors orders”, and the postponed shows will be rescheduled to a later date. Here’s her statement:

This isn’t the first time Adele has had to postpone the residency. The night before its scheduled opening in January 2022, Adele announced the show would not go on. She initially blamed delivery delays and team members coming down with COVID. Later, she revealed she wasn’t happy with the stage set-up: “it was very disconnected from me and my band, and it lacked intimacy.” Adele wanted her performance to be perfect.

The singer faced backlash for her 2022 decision and has called it “the worst moment in my career, by far.” Many ticket-holders were already in Vegas when they got the last-minute news, and they weren’t happy. Fair! For us normies, re-arranging our lives for a trip/concert is a very big, very expensive deal. In November 2022, Adele’s weekend residency finally opened. Since then, she’s played 100 shows.

Back in 2011, Adele was forced to cancel concerts due to a hemorrhaging polyp on her vocal cord. She described the sensation as a someone putting “a curtain over my throat.” She got surgery that November, went on vocal rest, and was back to singing the following February.

Hopefully, Adele will get better soon. She definitely shouldn’t be pushing her voice if she’s sick. That’s her moneymaker! Go eeeeeasy on her, baby.