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Adele and James Corden Carpool Karaoke Is Exactly the Ass-Kicking Heart Lifter We Need This Week

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | January 15, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | January 15, 2016 |

Okay, so maybe you’ll still cry a little but it will be over a thing of beauty, not your favorite celebrities dying. And then you’ll laugh, because these two are an absolute hoot together; I need their ride-alongs to become a regular series on its own.

Make sure you watch the entire thing, because HOLY ADELE rapping Nicki Minaj’s Monster.


Now that was a seriously fun — and informative — ride. Tell me you don’t want Adele to be your bestie? And not for nothing, but Corden is a damned good harmonizer and backup singer.


Thank you both so much for this ass-king heart lifter.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)