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A Message for the Youths Talking Trash About Jenny Lewis

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | March 11, 2020 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | March 11, 2020 |


Friends, the kids aren’t alright. The youths have stepped out of line and a 35-year-old woman can only handle so much, and I’ve reached my limit. Some little f*ckers have taken to the internet to libel my beloved Jenny Lewis, she of Rilo Kiley, Fox Fire, and Troop Beverly Hills fame because they think she’s not good enough to open for Harry Styles, and I’m ready to f*cking burn this entire reality down to the studs.

Apparently, Jenny Lewis is the hill I die on, and I’m not alone here—

Have these little sh*ts not heard “Portion for Foxes,” one of the greatest songs of all time?!

Or “Smoke Detector,” a song I listen to a lot while I putter around my home??!

Or “Spectacular Views,” a song I played incessantly for most of my 20s when I wasn’t blaring “Portion for Foxes”!?!?!?!?

In fact, The Execution of All Things is a perfect album. Clearly Harry Styles agrees on some level because he asked Jenny Lewis to open for him. Jenny Lewis has been in the game a long f*cking time—much longer than Harry Styles has (or probably will be.) Some goddamned respect needs to be put on her name. So to those little sh*ts writing checks their butts can’t cash on the internet talking trash about my gal, I have a simple message—I will see you in hell.

To everyone else, enjoy the embarrassment of Jenny Lewis riches in this article.