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10 Actual People On Twitter Who Unironically Support Donald Trump for President

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 16, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 16, 2015 |

Donald Trump — who literally once sued the author of a book for libel and $5 billion in damages because the author claimed that Trump was a “millionaire” and not a “billionaire” — announced that he’d be running for President this morning. No one takes his candidacy seriously, and yet, if you spend any time on Twitter, some are legitimately concerned that Trump will actually receive enough votes to matter.

There are hundreds of variations on this tweet:

This is not true. Not even a little bit. Almost no one will vote for Donald Trump. Should he actually stick around long enough to appear on a ballot, he will receive fewer votes than the write-ins. I mean, the man had to pay extras to show up to his Presidential announcement. This is not a concern anyone should worry about. The only threat he poses is an ironic one — people voting for him because he provides good material.

In fact, having spent 45 minutes on Twitter, these are the only people that I could find who would admit to supporting Donald Trump’s run for President. This is all of them. I think that the people supporting him speak volumes about his legitimacy. I mean, Joey Lawrence is considering supporting the man, for God’s sake.