By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | September 14, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | September 14, 2015 |
The 2015 Toronto International Film Festival is in full swing, and everyone from Tom Hardy (Legend) and Johnny Depp (Black Mass), to Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl) and Brie Larson (Room) are parading the festival carpet — but never mind them. Behold the ultimate Premiere-Off photos!
First up, check out Idris Elba with his Beasts of No Nation director, Cary Fukunaga, and tell me these two fine gentlemen shouldn’t pair up for the next Bond movie?
Go ahead, take a long, slow, deep coupla breaths in and out. You probably need some fresh air.
Round 2 of this Premiere-Off features The Hiddles, Jeremy Irons, Luke Evans and the va-va-voomiest Elisabeth Moss we’ve ever seen, all in attendance at the opening night of Ben Wheatley’s High Rise:
Hey, maybe Peggy Olson should play Bond (*cue the screaming from both pro and con sides*)?
So, Hiddles and Moss vs Elba and Fukunaga; who won this Premiere-Off?
And shall I throw in a Hoult,
a pair of Gleesons,
and quite possibly my favorite ever KStew picture, just to confuse you?
Argue it out in the comments, people.
(photos via Socialite Life and Toronto Sun)