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Thor v Loki: Chris Hemsworth And Tom Hiddleston Fight For Your Affections

By Kristy Puchko | Case Study In Hotness | April 28, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Case Study In Hotness | April 28, 2016 |

Sure, neither Chris Hemsworth nor Tom Hiddleston will make an appearance in next week’s big release Captain America: Civil War. But their fraternal feud can be found on the interwebs, taking on strange and sultry turns.

First, Hemsworth tantalized us with his delicious doofus in that Ghostbusters featurette that is apparently not just hilarious but also super misandrist.

And then he followed it up with this playful Thor vid, flaunting his natural Aussie accent and his dizzying biceps as he taunts his Avengers co-stars.

Not to be outdone, Hiddleston is bringing his Loki allure to the small screen with The Night Manager and to theaters with High-Rise. In both you get to see some Hiddleskin. And thanks to Twitter, we’ve got a lions-rousing preview of the latter’s raciest bits.

So who wins in this battle of Thor v Loki?

Kristy Puchko is #TeamLoki.