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Leaving 'Game of Thrones' for 'Narcos' Has Made Pedro Pascal No Less Hot

By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | August 20, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | August 20, 2015 |

If there’s one thing this past Game of Thrones season has taught us — other than Rape and Violence Have Always Been a Part of This World — If You Don’t Like It, Don’t Watch! — it’s that life in the Seven Kingdoms just wasn’t the same without a certain sexy Chilean champion spicing things up.


But never fear, Pedro’s still here; well, actually, he moved to Colombia (show-wise) — and his new Netflix series, Narcos premieres next Friday (August 28th). Now if you’re anything like me, you may regularly stalk visit Pascal’s Instagram, just to make sure he’s still posting hot pictures of himself everything’s copacetic…you know, see if there’s any new hot pictures updated information, and I just want to make you drool reassure you that he’s still hot fine:

A photo posted by Pedro Pascal (@pascalispunk) on

A photo posted by Pedro Pascal (@pascalispunk) on

A photo posted by Pedro Pascal (@pascalispunk) on

I’ll sleep better, knowing our Pedro is still adorable will soon be back in our living rooms. Speaking of, here’s the second Narcos trailer:

That must be him at the :58 mark, no?

Meet me at the Netflix terminal next week. Narcos stars Wagner Moura, Pascal, Maurice Compte, Boyd Holbrook, Stephanie Sigman, Manolo Cardona, Joanna Christie and Ana de la Reguera.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)