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The 'Moana' Honest Trailer Offers Only Weak Sauce

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | April 7, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | April 7, 2017 |

Look. We enjoy a good “honest” trailer, ripping up the tired tropes of Hollywood and mercilessly mocking plot holes with sharp wit and willful silliness. But with Moana coming to home video (DVD/Blu-ray, etc.), the internet’s most reliable source of trailer satire has wiped out hard.

So Lilo and Stitch can be the only Disney movie influenced by Polynesian culture? We should sneer over Disney not completely chucking the princess formula that’s made them billions? Hamilton fans are so excitable!


But you do not come for Moana’s soundtrack. It’s shiny, sensational and should have won that damn Oscar. And if you’re going to try to parody lyrics written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, I mean—just don’t. Throwing in Adele Dazeem jokes and cynical snarking about the commercial power of empowering tracks? Honest Trailers, you’re better than this.