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This Turn Off Your Cell Phone PSA Will Cause Mental and Emotional Trauma To Your Unborn Progeny

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 5, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 5, 2012 |

I cannot stress this enough: DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO AT WORK. In fact, DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO. EVER.

I’m not kidding. It will f*ck you in your head. That’s a pun, which you won’t understand unless you watch this turn-off-your-cell-phone PSA created by Can Evrenol for Fright Fest. But you shouldn’t watch it. EVER. Don’t. Trust me. Click away. Now. As fast as you can.

Why are you still here. I told you not to watch this video. Listen. Trust me. Don’t. It will haunt your nightmares’ nightmares. It may in fact damage your sperm. It will almost certainly damage your mental situation. So go. Get out. Do not click. It is too disturbing for human consumption.

Trust me. Please.

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Next time you’ll listen, won’t you?
