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Pierce Brosnan's AMA Reveals He Turned Down 'Batman,' and Had No Problem Killing Sean Bean

By Cindy Davis | Videos | August 21, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | August 21, 2014 |

How is Brosnan 61? HOW?

In his Reddit AMA, Brosnan talked turning down Tim Burton’s Batman:

“Yes, I did. I went and met with Tim Burton for the role of Batman. But I just couldn’t really take it seriously, any man who wears his underpants outside his pants just cannot be taken seriously. That was my foolish take on it. It was a joke, I thought. But how wrong was I? Don’t get me wrong, because I love Batman, and I grew up on Batman. As a kid in Ireland, we used to get our raincoats and tie them round our neck and swing through the bicycle shed…”

Working with Robin Williams:

“Robin Williams, I adored him. He will be forever in my heart, and making Mrs. Doubtfire was one of those joyous jobs that doesn’t come around that often. Every day was an adventure with Robin. You never knew what was going to come out of the man’s mouth. I didn’t work with Robin Williams, I worked with Mrs. Doubtfire. He gave me a letter bound copy of the screenplay of Mrs. Doubtfire with an inscription saying “Thank you for putting up with this foulmouthed old bag.” because he would be foul, just go off and do standup routines, you know? As Mrs. Doubtfire. Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire doing a riff on Imelda Marcos’ shoes.”

And the one Bond item he kept:

“I only kept one piece of memorabilia from the Bond movies, and it’s a credit card that also doubles as a lock pick. And that’s it, really.”

In case you wondered, Brosnan’s childhood hero was Clint Eastwood, his favorite Bond movies are GoldenEye and Goldfinger, and he had no problem killing Sean Bean (006). His favorite shows are House of Cards and Game of Thrones.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is amazed by Brosnan’s hair.