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'Mad Max: Fury Road' Without Special Effects Can Still Kick Other Action Movies in the Balls

By Jodi Smith | Videos | September 12, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Videos | September 12, 2016 |

Mad Max: Fury Road was released May 15, 2015 and we still cannot seem to get enough of it. There’s a simple reason for this: George Miller made a gorgeous, dirty, violent, and worthy successor to his ‘Mad Max’ films of the 80s that could beat up any other sequel or reborquel out there.

If you’ve seen the film, you know. (And if you haven’t seen it, go watch it!)

The action sequences are dazzling and fast-paced, with a danger that always seems a bit more real than in most movies. It turns out that this feeling is captured when you go full labia-out with your stunt work instead of working on green screens and motion capture.

BEHOLD! Mad Max: Fury Road insanity without any VFX work in the shots. What this video has is test stunt footage and behind-the-scenes footage that looks better than most action sequences in highly retouched footage. YOU ARE AWAITED IN VALHALLA!

Obviously the special effects in the final film were equally as amazing. Do you have time to return to Valhalla? If I witness you?