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In a Rare Personal Moment, Jon Stewart Very Sweetly Plugs His Wife's Book

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | August 5, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | August 5, 2015 |

During 16 years as host of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart has expressed his rage and his disgust, he has shown his vulnerable side, and he has — at times — poured his heart out. But he obviously keeps his personal life private, and we have rarely heard Stewart talk about his wife, Tracey Stewart (who he proposed to using a custom crossword puzzle designed by Will Shortz, the crosswords editor of the NYTimes).

Last night, two days before he signs off for a final time, Stewart took a moment before the Moment of Zen to very sweetly promote his wife’s upcoming book.

“I have found this book, he said, “by an incredible young author. Her name is my wife.”

The book, by the way, is Do Unto Animals. It’s about Tracey Stewart’s passion for working with animals and how you can improve your relationship with them.

“I’m so proud of her,” Stewart said. “I’ve always known that my wife is a kinder and nicer person than I am, but to know that she’s funnier and a better writer? I’m not going to lie to you: It stings a little bit.”

You can pre-order the book now, although Stewart suggests that you instead go to a local independent bookseller and ask them to pre-order it for you, because Jon Stewart is a mensch.

All proceeds go to the Farm Sanctuary.