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Hasan Minhaj Obliterates Congress at the Radio & Television Correspondents Dinner

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 17, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 17, 2016 |

The Radio & Television Correspondents Dinner is the lower-profile cousin of the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, but the speech that comedian and The Daily Show contributor Hasan Minhaj gave last night ought receive a lot of attention. Minhaj lambasted Congress — a few members of which I expect were in attendance — for their inaction on gun legislation, berating them for ignoring the will of the people, taking millions from the NRA, and for being complicit in the death of thousands.

It was ovation worthy, although the folks in attendance mostly sat glumly, as though being scolded.

Here’s the portion that will be getting the most attention today.

If you have time, here’s the entire speech. He was good.