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Ryan Reynolds And Deadpool Take Us On A Tour Of "The Scariest Hallway Ever"

By Jodi Smith | Videos | March 1, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Videos | March 1, 2018 |


Ryan Reynolds may have earned himself a Lifetime Free Pass of Fuckery from me for bringing my beloved Deadpool to the big screen. The fact that Reynolds seems to have such a fun relationship with his wife, Blake Lively, and an amazing sense of humor pushes him into my top five favorite celebrities of ALL TIME.

Feast your eyes upon these videos filmed on the set of Deadpool 2 and try to tell me he isn’t a gem in a world of polished turds. TRY, BUT I WILL NOT AGREE. EVER. GET BENT.

Deadpool 2 is set to spontaneously impregnate me on May 18th.