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Daymanstep Cometh

By Seth Freilich | Videos | January 16, 2012 |

By Seth Freilich | Videos | January 16, 2012 |

Maybe I’ve finally hit the generation gap when I can complain about not understanding the music that the Kids are listening to. If that’s the case, so be it — I cannot stand dubstep. I like other types of electronic music, I like music with strong drum and bass, but dubstep, man. Fuck. It’s just heinous.

On the complete opposite side of the awesome/awful spectrum is Dayman. If you watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” you know of what I speak. If you don’t watch “It’s Always Sunny,” you should just kill yourself. Dayman is everything good in the world — rainbows, puppy dogs, children’s laughter, sexy lingerie — all wrapped up into one neat little package of hilarity.

Daymanstep is … well, it’s genius. It’s maybe the only time I’ve made it through a whole dubstep track. It’s funny. It’s kinda clever. But most of all, it’s fucking terrifying. I’ve seen Faces of Death, autopsy videos, plastic surgery videos, countless graphically violent scenes, and nothing has given me nightmares the way this has. If anyone knows an exorcist, please pass their info along to me because I think this video has god damned possessed me.

Click to watch. If you dare. But you’ve been warned.