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Alison Brie Shows Off Feet, Awkwardly Embraces Her Foot Fetishists

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 15, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 15, 2016 |

I don’t know why, but type into Google practically any celebrity female, and you’ll find images for their feet. Over on Getty Images, for whatever reason, photographers always take close-ups of feet. Those don’t exist for no reason. Here’s three random photos I looked up:

Jennifer Aniston:

Cate Blanchett:

Jennifer Lawrence:

Without using the embed code, licensing those photos cost $575 a piece. There’s even a WikiFeet, a database of pictures of celebrity feet.

There’s nothing wrong with it, of course. Some people like boobs. Some like asses. Some like pecs. Some like feet. To each their own.

Alison Brie, in fact, embraces her foot fetishists, as she explained last night on James Corden’s show, while showing her feet off to the host and Matt LeBlanc. “Foot fetishists are cool! It’s a disease-free fetish. It’s very clean. Who is it hurting?”

And then the silence got a little awkward.

(Zip to the 4 minute mark, unless you want to hear about Joey’s high-school reunion)